What is patron authentication?


Patron Authentication

What is it?

There are several different methods to authenticate users – Basic Authentication, ILLiad Exclusive Authentication, LDAP, implementing a User Gateway, etc.  Whichever way your library chooses to clear users for interlibrary loan privileges, it is important to keep on top of verifying, merging, and disavowing. Of particular importance is the routing rule that prohibits un-cleared users’ requests from automatically going through Direct Request.

How does it help?

The routing rule prevents un-cleared users from requesting items they potentially may not be able to request due to their status at your institution. Various authentication methods can help expedite your patrons’ requests and decrease the amount of time between request submission and receipt of item.  


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a local network directory service. If available at your institution, ILLiad can use it to automatically authenticate your users. When a user attempts to login to the ILLiad webpages, it will check against your institution’s user directory using LDAP. If the username exists, then the user is granted access. Otherwise the user will not be able to logon to ILLiad.

There are many benefits to using LDAP, which is utilized at many institutions:


  • You no longer have to manually verify and clear customers, saving you time.

  • Users do not have to maintain another username and password just for ILLiad.

  • Staff do not have to worry about resetting lost passwords.

  • Staff can still block, disavow, and create users.

For information about LDAP at your institution, contact your information technology department.

  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2016
  • Views 49
  • Answered By Angela Galvan

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