Patron Authentication: Getting Started


Getting started

In the Customization Manager, go to System|Routing|Routing. From your list of routing rules, select the rule with the description “Default Direct Request Rule.”

Append the following to the end of the MatchString:


and u.Cleared = ’Yes’



This will send all ‘Unclear’ customer requests into your Awaiting Request Processing queue for staff to process once authentication has occurred.

More information

ILLiad Documentation: Clearing Customer Authenication

ILLiad Documentation: PatronAuthenticationMethods

ILLiad Documentation: LDAP Authentication

ILLiad Documentation: The ILLiad Database Manager




Deleting records using the Database Manager is permanent. Always backup your data first. If you are hosted by OCLC, then contact them if you are considering deleting patron records.


  • Last Updated Jan 17, 2024
  • Views 99
  • Answered By Angela Galvan

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