Delivering Locally Held E-Journal Articles


Delivering Locally Held E-Journal Articles

What is it?

By routing requests from Awaiting Request Processing in Borrowing to In DD Stacks Searching in Document Delivery, you can quickly and easily supply e-journal articles to your patrons using Odyssey or Electronic Delivery Utility.

How does it help?

Instead of cancelling article requests that are locally held in your e-journals, you can supply those articles to your patrons quickly and easily. Not only does this provide a good service to your patrons, it is also a great way to get the most out of ILLiad’s Document Delivery module.

Getting Started

This is a very simple workflow to implement. When you encounter a locally held journal article in Borrowing, do the following:

  1. Save the PDF of the journal article to the folder you normally use for article delivery (specified in the Customization Manager’s OdysseyHelperImagesPathDocDel key). Be sure to name the file as the request’s transaction number (i.e. 12345.pdf).

  2. Click the Route to Document Delivery drop-down menu (the bottom half of the button) and select In DD Stacks Searching.

  3. When finished processing requests, simply open Electronic Delivery Utility and switch to the Document Delivery process type.

  4. If you are not using Electronic Delivery Utility, this can be delivered through Odyssey by opening the Document Delivery tab and clicking Update Stacks Search Results. Scan the Transaction Number into the box and click Mark Found Scan Now

  5. In either Electronic Delivery Utility or Odyssey: All of the documents waiting to send should appear. Click the Deliver button and each should be sent to their respective users.


  • Last Updated Oct 30, 2016
  • Views 67
  • Answered By Angela Galvan

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