Lending E-Journal Articles


Lending E-Journal Articles

What is it?

As the ratio of electronic to print journal holdings continues to grow at most libraries, lending from these resources is becoming increasingly important for ILL departments. However, the biggest hangup has not been the delivery itself, but the licensing. In many cases, ILL licenses are simply not known to many ILL staff -- preventing sharing from e-journals even though many in fact have ILL-friendly licenses. By using an ILLiad addon that combines your link resolver with the generic licensing information found in the IDS Project’s ALIAS database, you can be confident sharing your e-journal content with other libraries.

How does it help?

Not only do these addons demystify the process of sharing your e-journal articles, they also speed up your workflow by making these articles just a few clicks away. Because there’s no physical copying involved, you can deliver these articles in a fraction of the time it takes to fill the same requests from your print holdings. This saves time, while also allowing you to vastly improve your lending fill rates.

Getting started

Install the addon for your link resolver

There are currently addons avaiable for the two most popular link resolver products: 360 Link by Serials Solutions and SFX by Ex Libris. You can download them from the ILLiad Addons Directory:


To install the addon, simply extract it to your \ILLiad\Addons folder.


Each addon has its own configuration settings as indicated in the Addons Directory. To configure the addon, open your ILLiad client, click on the System ribbon, and then click the Manage Addons button. Scroll down to your addon and click on it to bring up its options at the bottom of the Manage Addons window. Enter the required settings in the Value column, save your changes, and then click the Refresh Cache button to start using your addon.


  1. When processing an article request, click on the Serials Solutions or SFX addon.

  2. Once the addon loads, you’ll be shown a list of available resources (if any) and their ILL licenses:

    1. ILL OK -- you can lend the article, no strings attached. Proceed to step 3.

    2. ILL OK, Print First -- you can lend the article so long as you print it first, rescan it, and deliver it. Proceed to step 3.

    3. ILL OK, Print first, non-profit only -- like option B, but you can only supply the article to non-profit institutions. Proceed to step 3.

    4. ILL NOT OK -- you are not allowed to lend the article from your e-journal. Check for print holdings or cancel the request.

    5. License information not available -- this provider has not been added to the ALIAS database. Lend at your own discretion.

    6. ILL Silent -- the lender has not specified whether or not ILL is OK. Lend at your own discretion.

  3. Download the PDF to a local or networked folder -- either works. Be sure to name it as the transaction number (i.e. 12345.pdf).

  4. Return to the Detail tab and look at the Library’s Odyssey field to determine if it’s an Odyssey library.

    1. Odyssey libraries: click the Mark Found Scan Now button in the Lending ribbon. Once the Odyssey window appears, import the PDF and click Deliver.

      • If you’d rather send articles in batch, instead route the article to In Stacks Searching. Then use Odyssey Helper to deliver all of your articles at once.

Non-Odyssey libraries: deliver via Article Exchange or Email. Then click the Mark Found button.

  • Last Updated Nov 29, 2022
  • Views 178
  • Answered By Angela Galvan

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  1. The image under "ILL Silent" does not display. Would it be possible to fix this? Thanks!
    by Kristen Fredericksen on Nov 10, 2022