Adding a New IDS Project Member


Adding a New IDS Project Member


What is it?


The IDS Project will announce when a library has joined the Project.  This announcement is made by e-mail to the member libraries, with information about the new library's participation, for example, articles only.  At that time, their OCLC symbol should be added to the current list of libraries in ILLIAD that belong to the project.


How does it help?


Properly setting up a new library will ensure new incoming requests from that library are imported into the correct lending queue, that the library will not be billed inadvertently, and that your library can begin using their library for borrowing purposes.


Getting Started


There are three steps your library needs to take when a new member library is added to the Project: 1. Exempt the library from Billing, 2. add the library to a Library Group, and 3. add the library to a Custom Holdings Group.


1)  Making a Library Partner Exempt from Billing

a) In the ILLiad Client, <type> the library’s symbol and <click> Search to open the library in the Lender Address form

b)  Change the Billing Category to Exempt, edit the Copy/Loan Charge fields to reflect $0.00

    c)  <click> Save icon.

2)  Adding a Library Partner to a Library Group


a)  Still in the Lender Address form, click the group name you assigned to IDS libraries. This example shows group name = IDS



3)  Adding a Library Partner to the IDS Custom Holdings Group

Each new IDS library will need to be added to the corresponding Custom Holdings Group. For further instructions as to how to add a library to your  IDS Custom Holdings Group, please refer to the Workflow Toolkit. The Custom Holdings section can be found behind  the section Borrowing.


  • Last Updated Mar 09, 2017
  • Views 113
  • Answered By Simone L. Yearwood

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