Email Templates


In ILLiad 8.7 email templates are stored on the ILLiad database. In order to access these templates, edit and create new ones, you will have to access the ILLiad Customization Manager. Once you open the Customization Manager, click on Notification Templates in the upper ribbon.

Under Notification Templates, you can create a new template or edit existing ones. Each template has 11 fields. It is not necessary to fill out all of the fields.

  1. Name: what you want to call the email template. This is necessary for email routing rules
  2. Description: the purpose for this email template
  3. NVTGC: This is usually ILL.
  4. From Name: the name of your ILL department
  5. From Address: the email address of your ILL department
  6. To Name: patron's name
  7. To Address: patron's email address
  8. CC Address
  9. BCC Address
  10. Subject: the subject of the email
  11. Email Text: the body of the email

The Workflow Toolkit has several email templates that you can incorporate into your system or use to create your own. The can be found here:

  • Last Updated Sep 24, 2024
  • Views 138
  • Answered By Kristen Heinrich

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