How do you add or delete drop down choices for patron status?

The CustomDropDown table is located in the Customization Manager. All labels are customizable to your library’s needs.


What is it?

The CustomDropDown table is in the Customization Manager. It features default labels like Department, State, and Patron Status, with the flexibility to create additional labels tailored to your library's requirements. These customized labels can seamlessly integrate registration and ILL request forms into your web pages.

How does it help?

This table allows you to add, change, or delete a patron status.

Navigation Information

Module: Customization Manager

Tab: Customization

Search All Tables and Keys: customdrop

Location: General > CustomDropDown

Getting Started

  1. In the ILLiad Customization Manager - go to General | CustomDropDown

  2. New Record

    1. Add Group Name: StatusGroup (State, Depart., Statusgroup: Faculty, Undergrad., Grad., etc.)

    2. Enter LableName

    3. Enter LabelValue

  3. Delete

    1. Select record

    2. Delete

  4. Edit

    1. Double-click on the record in the list you would like to edit

    2. Edit LabelName and LabelValue

    3. Save

custom drop-down table listing group name, label name, and label value

  • Last Updated May 01, 2024
  • Views 55
  • Answered By Jennifer Acker

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